Tuesday, 5 February 2013

New extended herb garden just before settling snow

Phew, the Sorbus Cashmeriana was finally dropped into a lovely big hole where the herb garden fencing used to be - thanks to a great friend's help.  Just before the newly settling snow but in a great gale - I was wearing two hats and still had singing ears!

It's great when you suddenly have a eureka moment in your own garden - for years I had been nursing along two badly pruned - rescued roses and a fennel had established itself intertwined with a non-productive gooseberry - either that or the bluetits were really quick every year - anyway they have all gone, the tree is in and the bind (Convolvulus arvensis L.)  shards having been picked out.  Decided not to pop any green credential perennials in for a year but just take a pot luck with lots of forgotten annual seeds and just see what happens.  The ground needs to be kept fertile, covered but not with green manure - not until I am sure it is cleaned out,  I need to be ready to dig up anymore of the pernicious bindweed before being very creative.

No photos yet - not until the grapevine has reestablished itself and the Orange Blossom which I rescued from a Factory shop is in full leaf!  Just moved some Persicaria - a new variety from WyeVale cash and carry and moved some purple loosestrife to the replace them - they prefer bog gardens anyway and the bottom end of the herb garden definitely fits this definition at the present - Beth Chatto - my "right plant, right place" heroine would be delighted.

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