Saturday, 27 October 2012

Returning Guests - How lovely it is when guests who came regularly, from afar - return and enthuse and mention that their memories of reading under the Wellontonia Tree and travelling in lush Herefordshire. 

We've also got members of the Maple Society staying at present - they succeeding in bringing the sunshine - unfortunately those from afar, aforementioned, managed to bring the artic chill too - they left home at 4 am today in snow - so keen were they to see us! 

Actually they had been nudged towards the Flavours of Herefordshire Food Festival which is in an inaugural zone right next to the Cathedral this year.  What a treat, surrounded by newly developed Cathedral Close (by one of my favourite designers - Robert Myers from Kington) and with Mary Berry joining in too on Sunday.  That is us sorted - the samples and buzz available at previous Festivals has been amazing - so wrapping up snugly we will be full of anticipation.

Now other things to look forward to ... I have been busily producing 25 identical prints to enter the 20:20 exhibition which shoots around the country and is exhibited at our own Herefordshire Print Shed in Madley.  Next week some gorgeous felt is on exhibition at Bear Steps Gallery in Shrewsbury and yours truly is busily massaging and rolling little delectable items to join the accomplished artists.  Most notable have to be the ponytail hats - photos to follow!  (Tilly, the horse's tail is safe, although a little was combed out to help a dear friend complete an outdoor kiln! - it's never dull in Kinnersley!)

If you are wondering about the strangely surreal nature of this particular shot there is a perfectly reasonable explanation!  I produced a series of Cashmere, nettle and blue-faced leicester felt works as a response to a brief to exhibit in Hereford's Old House.

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