Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Snow, marmalade and gardening!

New sign well and truly christened with the rosa rugosa stems tickled with snow.
The lower pond with Silver Birch and Cornus in the foreground - hope the snowdrops are ready to push through.  Splodge is a snowflake (top left) no time to photoshop - seville oranges to juice and peel and chop - jars of loveliness will appear.

Then I took one more photo and used effects on the camera - pretty stunning I think!  Hope you are having fun too.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Happy New Year

Hay Bluff January 1st

Emi visiting Eardisley Great Oak from Japan January 1st!

Just needed a bracing walk on the Bluff after all the rain, as you can see a clear, gorgeous day.  
In fact the bicycle came out too!  Goodness rare image of me being still!  Back to the sewing machine this evening, finishing off new gorgeous linen cushions for Chess Cottage bedrooms - makeover nearly completed.  A few sneaky photos are creeping onto the website. www.herefordshireholidays.co.uk